Motion Infographic: Ideation

Katelyn Whitman
4 min readOct 8, 2020

Motion Design — Fall 2020, Project 3


I started this project by choosing three topics that interested me and did research on all of them. The three topics I researched were the effects of deforestation, the struggles of online college and how to succeed, and becoming a foster parent.

Big Idea

The topic I am deciding to move forward with is “How to Succeed at Zoom University.” Based on statistics and personal experience, the fast and forced change to online college learning has been difficult for a lot of people and has even seemed impossible to some. My position on this topic is that online college education does not have to be impossible. It can be made easier with organization and a few tips that I’ve come up with. My intended audience for this infographic would be current and incoming college students. The transformation that I’d like viewers to go through is one of determination. I want my audience to gain confidence from my infographic and I want them to feel inspired to use my tips to make the most of their schooling!


First Draft:

Let’s be honest… college doesn’t look the same as it used to be, and for a lot of students, it seems impossible — but it doesn’t have to be! First, invest in some organizational tools to keep track of the work or try setting reminders on your phone so you don’t miss class or a deadline! When you’re in class, try keeping your camera on — it’ll keep you accountable. Finally, to help you focus, set up a work space separate from where you relax. Try these tricks and they might just help you succeed at Zoom University!

Second Draft:

Let’s be honest… college doesn’t look the same as it used to — it’s challenging but NOT impossible! With online learning there are 2 big obstacles: timeliness and focus.

If you struggle with timeliness… invest in organizational tools to keep track of your work. You can also set reminders on your phone so you don’t miss class or a deadline.

If you struggle with focus… set up a work space separate from where you relax. And remember, keeping your camera on keeps you accountable!

Congratulations! You’re on your way to success at Zoom University!

Style Frames


Audio Selections:

I plan on using a recorded voice over with music playing quieter in the background. I recorded my voice over using the second draft of my script but I am unable to upload an audio file onto Medium. Also, I am anticipating possible changes in my script after some critique.

Music choice: “Punky” from

Infographic Progress:

2+ Second Test

10+ Seconds

Rough Finish



The goal of this project was to inform current and incoming college students about things they can do to make their virtual learning experience better. With the very sudden and forced shift to online education, many students have been struggling. This infographic offers tips and motivation to ease the struggles that come with the format. In this infographic, one visual motif that was kept consistent was a shape that had two pointed corners and two rounded corners. The shape reflects the logo for Zoom, a newly popular online learning format. The font Lato was used in this infographic because the shapes within the letterforms also reflect the shape previously explained. Iconography was used as the primary pictorial element of this infographic because it follows the same logic and goal of simplicity. In other words, the infographic is meant to make online learning simpler so the imagery within the infographic is also simple. Finally, the colors, in cooperation with the audio and the other visual elements used in this graphic, are meant to inspire energy and motivation in the viewers.

